Round Peg in a Square Hole

A repository of reference material on a variety of subjects

Monday, November 04, 2013

Two new ScienceGoH Gigs for 2014!

I've been invited to be Science Guest of Honor at TWO conventions next year!  The first is Marscon in Minnesota, March 7-9th.  I know those MN folks know how to throw a con, so I'm looking forward to that.  Their theme is Time is the Key, which lends itself to lots of interpretations.  Definitely packing the Steampunk costume for that.

The second is ConQuesT in Kansas City, Missouri.  I'm very excited, not having been to a con in Missouri before; I'm looking forward to making a lot of new friends!  Suspect there might be a few familiar faces, though...  It's ConQuesT 45, so they must be doing something right!  Their theme is Noir; sounds perfect for a few femme fatale gowns!